Rector Search

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is St. John’s looking for a new Rector?

    Our former Rector, Charlie Brumbaugh, who joined St. John’s in 2016, retired in the summer of 2023.

  • How does the search process work?

    The process for calling a new Rector is one of mutual discernment that is engaged by the Vestry, the Search Committee, and the candidates in partnership with the Bishop and her staff.

    During the search process the search and profile committees develop written materials that clearly express who we are as a congregation and what we seek in our next Rector. These are included in the Parish Profile and the Office for Transition Ministry (OTM) portfolio that is posted by the Diocese of Colorado.

    At St. John’s we have an eight member Search Committee that will lead the process we are calling; “The Pathway To Our New Rector.”

  • Who are the people on our committees?

    Search Committee Members: Kay Adamson, Jennifer Bettridge (co-chair), Jim Brook, Johanna Gibbs (co-chair), Frances McWilliams (chaplain), Karla Randle Schapansky, Brad Stewart, Katherine Sutherlin

    Profile Committee Members: Paul Burnham, Patrick McWilliams, Jane VanBaren, Greg Wright

  • How is the parish included in the process?

    There are multiple ways parishioners contribute their voices in our selection process. Parishoners were invited to take part in a parish survey and are invited to share stories and experiences at a small collection of focus group in the Gathering Space during the November 12th forum. These activities will contribute information that leads to development of our “Parish Profile”.

  • How do candidates learn about our parish?

    To learn about our opening for a Rector, interested Priests will be able to see a listing about the opportunity at St. John’s on the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado’s Website. (Based on our schedule, this will be available in early January.)

    The candidates will see our Parish Profile, the Diocese of Colorado Office for Transition Ministry (OTM) portfolio, and a link to our website.

  • How does St. John's review candidates?

    The Search Committee will review the information submitted in applicants’ OTM Portfolio with respect to our parish’s needs. The Committee will select some for video interviews and a smaller number for in person visits. Following this, the Committee will pass on a very small group of candidates for the Vestry’s final selection..

  • When might we have a new Rector?

    In July 2023 our vestry put a potential schedule together as as you can see in our graphic, “The Pathway To Our New Rector”. We plan to prayerfully and purposely work through this process and hope to have a new priest by late summer of 2024.

  • How may I share my ideas or concerns?

    If you have more information to share, one opportunity will be during the November 12th Focus Group event. Additionally, you may contact anyone from the Search Committee and they will share your comments with the rest of the team.